America's Cup Bibliography Genres
Books in the bibliography have been categorized by the following:
Match History | Focuses on a particular America's Cup year, generally covering all the participants. |
Campaign History | Focuses on the story of specific team or syndicate. |
General History | America's Cup history broadly covered from early years until date of publication. Not included in this genre are books with a narrower focus that merely contain a brief treatment of the Cup’s general history. |
Yacht Design | Focuses on the design, engineering, and construction process of the yachts. Works that primarily focus on technical and performance aspects of the boats themselves, rating rules, and sometimes biographical information about the designers. Also see the Rating Rules genre. |
Biography | Sailing aspects of the subject's career, sometimes with non-sailing content, where the subject is not one of the authors. |
Memoir | First-person recollections. |
Instructional | Primarily contains 'How-to-sail' or 'How-to-sail-faster' content, usually drawing to some degree upon America's Cup examples and often the author's personal experiences competing in the Cup. |
Program | Official publications for a given match, intended to aid spectators. Sometimes more than one program may relate to a particular year, as in separate programs for the Louis Vuitton Cup (challenger selection) and the America’s Cup Match itself. |
Guide | Unofficial publications, sometimes created by a competitor or a local organization, sometimes produced independently, usually to assist spectators watching the races in person. Some guides may be very simple; occasionally guides contain more extensive primers on the history, racing, and key players in an America's Cup year. Usually published before the Match, but sometimes updated as the selection regattas proceed. |
Hall of Fame | Publications for the America's Cup Hall of Fame, usually related to an induction ceremony. Typically features biographical information on the honorees, sometimes with essays from participants, and information on other historical aspects of the America's Cup. |
Official Document | Rules, regulations, agreements, reports, and correspondence created by the defending and challenging clubs and their representatives. Also includes Conditions of the Match, Notice of Race, and Sailing Instructions. |
Yacht Club History | Yacht clubs whose representatives have defended or challenged for the America’s Cup. Usually produced by or for the subject club. |
Yacht Monograph | A history concentrating on a particular yacht, specifically about the boat and usually throughout her lifetime. |
Photography | Books primarily communicating the visual aspect in photographs, modern or historic, with limited, though sometimes valuable, text. |
Marine Art | Books primarily consisting of visual media other than photography. |
Rating Rules | Specifically the influence of Rating Rules on yacht design and competition. |
Log Books | The Ship's Logs which were kept onboard historic America's Cup yachts, sometimes published in book form. |
Bibliography | Other published lists of particular relevance to the subject of the America's Cup. |
Younger Readers | For teens or children, sometimes but not always for classroom use. |
Humor | Cartoons, jokes, and a few works of parody or satire. |
Fiction | Not all of these are murder mysteries. |
Poetry | Yacht racing inspires some people to verse. |
Theatrical Production | Plays and musicals about the America’s Cup. |
Musical Composition | Songs or Sheet Music with an America's Cup theme. Items identified as "Songs" are primarily just the lyrics while those remarked as "Sheet Music" include the musical notation, too. Common in the 19th century. Dedications are included in the descriptions, where available. |
Cookbook | Sailors get hungry. |
Unknown | Known unknowns. |
Every publication listed in the bibliography has at least one assigned genre. Some may have two genres.
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